
The Vintage (vin-tij)

Sophisticated design with an elegant Burrwood front splice


  • Professional quality Ash or Maple shaft
  • Ebony Butt + Burrwood front splice
  • Traditional Oil Finish for super smooth cueing
  • Naturally weighted and balanced for superior performance
  • BlackSpin or Brass Ferrule

Recommended Specifications

  • 57"-58", 9mm-9.5mm, 28mm-29mm, 17oz-18oz
  • *FREE* - Customize your cue sizes in the shop
  • If you like this cue but have a very specific shaft request, please order MW~02a using Virtual Cue Maker program and wait for it to be made

Why Buy?

Hand made and hand finished to the highest possible standards. Unbeatable in terms of quality and playability.

Varying in colour from golden to deep red, this rarest of all Burr Woods is beautifully figured and needs no additional veneers to highlight or make it look better. Random grain pattern and colour makes every cue subtly different to the next, and therefore, unique to you.

The irregular grain structure makes this beautiful wood very hard to work with and it is notoriously unstable, susceptible to splits, and easily damaged during shaping. However, I have developed a new procedure during production which helps seal and 'harden' the wood from the inside out, making it more durable, stable, and produces superior finishing results.

Featuring even splice points all round (rarely found even on competitors 'best' cues), it is equivalent to the MW~02a found in Virtual Cue Maker.

Mike Wooldridge Vintage Cue - Elegance defined.


The Vintage Cue